Agenda and Notes
This workshop focused on the complex process for major transportation projects, presented “live” via a detailed flowchart; see PDF of flowchart. Also see below for links to all supporting materials referenced in the presentation and flowchart.
- (A) TH 25 Transportation Study Summary (SRF, Oct 2019)
- (B) CMRP history and governance summary
- (C) Factbooks from Framework 2030 (2020) — link is to CMRP website
- (D) Framework 2030 Vision, Strategies, Actions (2021-present)
- (E-1) MnDOT/FHWA Purpose and Need Requirements — link to MnDOT website
- (E-2) MnDOT/FHWS Purpose and Need graphic
- (F) MnDOT expectations for desired non-transportation outcomes (link to “goals” per MnDOT transportation project development process)