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Interconnections Strategy I1. Use clear regional identity to advance collaborative work
Each community is unique, and at the same time they rely on one another for jobs, housing, retail, and amenities. Using the regional CMRP brand connects or associates places with one another, provides leaders with an object to reference and celebrate, and can leave a memorable impression on visitors. Regional collaboration further builds that identity and unlocks new opportunities for resources, action development, and successful implementation.

I1 Actions
Action I1-A: Integrate branding with placemaking initiatives
Applying the regional brand to local placemaking initiatives will provide a common thread that links the efforts of each community. While every placemaking project or event will be unique, attaching the regional brand to each of them illustrates how the communities are part of something larger than themselves and builds awareness and support for the Partnershipâs regional efforts.

Progress updates: CMRP branding will be associated with projects supported by microgrants. The new branding is being used on the website; new documents, emails, memos, etc.; and for ongoing docs such as policies, bylaws, and the JPA.
Interconnections Strategy I2. Enhance regional connections
The physical and non-physical connections across the region play a key enabling role for local and regional economic activity, helping unify the region and define its character.

I2 Actions
Action I2-A: Continue conversations with MnDOT and the counties regarding special projects
Regular and ongoing communication across various agencies will be essential for understanding projects of special interest to the region. Most major transportation and infrastructure investments in the region have resulted from cross-jurisdictional collaborations. As the region grapples with growth and associated congestion, it will be essential for the Partners to speak with a more collective and unified voice as major investments are considered and prioritized.

Progress updates, June 2022: Transportation Task Force staff team continues to meet monthly and report progress at regular CMRP meetings. The June 23, 2022 CMRP meeting will be a workshop with FHWA and MnDOT presenting detailed information and answering questions on the process, decision points, timeline, and costs for major regional transportation projects.
Interconnections Strategy I3. Share talent, time, and information
The region today is a collection of small cities and townships, which helps foster community connections and reinforce the “small town feel,” but also limits capacity. Working collaboratively, communities can enhance their capabilities by sharing time, talent, and information to take advantage of larger-scale opportunities and solve complex challenges.

I3 Actions
Action I3-A: Host an annual Regional Forum
An annual meeting to present findings and facilitate conversation offers a unique opportunity to showcase and share the Partnershipâs growing role in data collection and analysis, reporting, and convening. As the Partnershipâs work develops momentum and increases in impact and value, communities and non-government entities in the region will benefit from coming together to discuss and learn from each other about information, findings, results, and opportunities.

Progress updates, March 2022: Partnership has delayed the Forum pending further workplanning
Action I3-B: Pursue a regional lobbying effort, “Our fair share”
A primary role of the Partnership is to advocate for the communities and the region at the state and federal levels. State and Federal funding for transportation, infrastructure, housing, and other major investments is increasingly tied to regional collaboration and data-driven analysis. Sitting at the center of discussions occurring around the region, the Partnership can elevate the regionâs needs and highlight its potential to ensure that priority projects are considered and/or funded. Through its ongoing regional convening it can develop strong priority investment targets.

Progress updates: Federal infrastructure bill signed 11-15-2021, providing money for broadband, roads and bridges, transit and rail, power and water systems, and more. Along with the America Rescue Plan Act, there are some potential funds for regionally significant and supportive projects.
Interconnections Strategy I4. Continually address regional vulnerabilities
Framework 2030 should result in an ongoing Framework 2030 should support communities in the region to routinely identify areas of weakness or vulnerability. The project was initiated in 2020, a year of profound disruption, and this churning is expected to continue for some time. The region must commit to an ongoing evaluative process.

I4 Actions
Action I4-A: Study social service opportunities that may benefit from regional coordination
Services like food banks and ridesharing may better serve our communities if they operate at a regional level. A full inventory of social services in the region would provide a clearer understanding of coverages, gaps, and redundancies. Then the Partnership can convene gatherings to consider more efficient and effective ways to deliver these critical services.

Progress updates: